
Showing posts from July, 2015

The seafood market in Portugal: Driving forces and consequences

One of the main reasons why I went to study during four years the Portuguese seafood consumption, was to answer this question: "Why do Portuguese people eat so much seafood?" This was also the first question that people made me after I started explaining my PhD research project. It is understandable that a country with a vast territory in coastal area, has high tradition in eating seafood. But UK and Italy for example, are also countries with high coastal areas and they do not reach such a high seafood consumption per capita as Portugal. So why is this happening in Portugal? Putting it in simple words: it is because of bacalhau . And then the following question comes: "Why Portuguese people eat so much bacalhau , even though it does not exist in Portuguese waters?" The tradition of eating bacalhau in Portugal exists since long time ago. It stared in the 15th century but the consumption of bacalhau has never been as high as in the 20th century. The inter...

If you eat meat, you should not have shower

The water to produce 110 grams of meat is equivalent to 26 showers. This campaign wants to show that by skipping showers for every hamburger you eat, you can offset the water used to produce it. Everything has a trade-off and it is difficult to weight things all the time we need to make decisions. Moreover is difficult to quantify the environmental costs, which can be very different depending on the context. I try to keep having shower and eating less meat. But what I would like to skip is flying (even though it is not the same comparison because it is about reducing greenhouse gas emissions). But this year I already flew one time to South America, for vacation, and two times in Europe, for work reasons. I cannot eat more meat until the end of this year or maybe no more showers!