The Power of Less

Do I really like to be a PhD student?
Would I do it again if I have the chance to go back in time?
These questions become more frequent nowadays that I'm finishing the thesis.
It is a personal journey with up and downs, frustration and happiness, lonely moments most of the time.
The Power of Less is a book that helps a lot to organize the work plan and to concretize goals, which I believe is one of the most difficult parts in doing a PhD...and in life!

Especially because one are stuck in a issue and, as someone told me one day:
a PhD student is someone who knows more and more about less and less.
You go deep in an issue and sometimes you feel as digging a hole...your own hole, where you almost cannot see the light.
One very important thing is to set the limits.
Otherwise one can stay all the entire life doing a PhD because, you are really doing something that nobody had done before.
But here it comes also an important part of a PhD project: the supervisors.
They are the most powerful tool to set limits and help to go further...or not, if they are not producente with their feedback.

A part of the book talks about simple time management and enjoyment in doing something.
I could not read it without thinking what I have been feeling in most of my days lately.
Immersing yourself in a task, completely, is a phenomenon called "flow".
Flow has gotten a lot of attention recently, in both the scientific world and the world of productivity, because people have discovered that the state of flow can lead to increased productivity and happiness.
Basically, flow is a state of mind that occurs when you lose yourself in a task, and the world around you disappears. 
You lose track of time. 
We've all experienced this from time to time - the trick is learning how to purposefully get yourself into flow.  

Few times I can feel the "flow" and it did not lead me to increased productivity and happiness.
I think.
Even without the "flow" many other things have developed during this time, which even if not completely related with the PhD, are definitely influenced by the auto-discipline and self accomplishment:
- dance flamenco, to see myself as fighting a bull
- practice yoga and run, to release energy and breathe
- eat vegetarian food, to eat good and healthy
- stop smoking, to be free of an extra stress
- meet different and interesting people, that is one of the most grateful parts
- visit places and move, now I feel Sweden as my second home
- love, to never forget that there are things more important in life