The Power of Less
Do I really like to be a PhD student? Would I do it again if I have the chance to go back in time? These questions become more frequent nowadays that I'm finishing the thesis. It is a personal journey with up and downs, frustration and happiness, lonely moments most of the time. The Power of Less is a book that helps a lot to organize the work plan and to concretize goals, which I believe is one of the most difficult parts in doing a PhD...and in life! Especially because one are stuck in a issue and, as someone told me one day: a PhD student is someone who knows more and more about less and less. You go deep in an issue and sometimes you feel as digging a hole...your own hole, where you almost cannot see the light. One very important thing is to set the limits. Otherwise one can stay all the entire life doing a PhD because, you are really doing something that nobody had done before. But here it comes also an important part of a PhD project: the supervisor...