
Showing posts from April, 2013

Taste the waste of water


What I missed from this place

yards with trees and birds crossing the woods on my way  the blue and slooow old trams look the sky find Göta älv ... and friends!* * this is not the same without you, sister J. and guapa F., miss you :)

Sagres in the NG top 10 ocean views

The high points where land and sea meet provide dramatic vistas of craggy shorelines and pounding oceans. For a whiff of historical romance and swashbuckling adventure, few outlooks outclass the one at Sagres, mainland Europe’s most southwesterly community. In the 15th century, Prince Henry the Navigator came here to found his School of Navigation to train sailors and cartographers, in order to fulfill his quest to expand the known world’s frontiers and open a sea route to India.

Natural patterns by the sea


Portuguese love fish

De acordo com esta especialista na área alimentar, não há necessidade de introduzir o peixe na nossa alimentação, porque "ele está lá já".  Aliás, faz questão de frisar, "os portugueses têm uma cultura de ingestão de peixe superior a qualquer outro país da Europa".  Está portanto provado que "nós gostamos de peixe" e, por isso, só temos de escolher os "mais certos em termos de saúde".  E os três exemplos atrás citado reúnem várias qualidades: são ricos em ómega 3, têm pouco mercúrio e, além disso, são baratos e permitem ser cozinhados de diversas formas. Very wise to hear a nutritionist saying that it is not necessary to promote more fish in the Portuguese food habits. It is already there and it is enough. The only advice is how to choose the best fish. Who are they? ...sardine, horse mackerel and chub mackerel. They are small pelagic fish, rich in omega 3, with low levels of mercury, and cheap! Good for your health, for the environm...

Eating fish

It's complicated. It can come from different species, stocks, gears, vessels, countries, processes, certifications... There is not only one rule. And each rule should be adapted for the context. The facts are changing all the time, needs continuous revision. What to do? Sorry...I do not have an answer. Only comments that help to guide the choice. If my PhD, and 4 years of my lifetime, will help in some way, I would be a veeeery happy women.

Future of food

Bill Gates  notes for the future of food. One of the world's wealthiest person says that animal protein is the problem. In his notes he wants to change the protein production. In my opinion, the simplest way to turn the problem: change the food habits!