
Showing posts from December, 2011

Fábulas em conserva

In the North of Portugal there is light and life coming from the sea. God it´s always there... ...and the sardines are blessed.  Cans of love and kindness for all of you.

Our home


The Secret Life of Things

International research shows that by using a life cycle approach, exploring the impacts of each stage a product goes through, designers can make informed decisions that lead to more socially and environmentally responsible products with lower carbon impacts.   Life Pscycle-ology takes a humorous look at the life story of an unhappy mobile phone, who seeks therapy after his owner dumps him in favour of a new model: Some mobile phone facts : There are more than 4 billion mobile phone users worldwide  Less than 1 percent of the millions of cell phones retired and discarded annually are recycled  A global consumer survey released by Nokia reveals that only 3% of the total mobile phone users recycle their phones  Over 3 billion people globally own mobiles: if each of them returned one phone for recycling, over 240,000 tons of raw materials could be saved. The carbon emissions saved from this would be the equivalent to taking 4 million car...

I met up with a king

I met up with the king He confessed his body was burning I met up with the king His body had begun to rot And he said don't think less of me I'm still the same man I used to be But no one believed him No one believed him I once knew a pretty girl And she was in love with the world And she loved a young man Who loved her body but never saw her mind He took everything she had kept And then he took everything else that was left But no one believed her No one believed her I feel just like the king As I fall on the muddy ground I feel just like you gal There's people thinking They know something now Well I don't know anything at all And we mean nothing to history Well thank God So tell me do you believe me? Do you believe me? I bet you don't I bet you won't

Magic from the sky

One day you wake up and everything is white.  A strong light is coming from the ground. I'ts magic. Everything that was once dark turns white. And you feel to walk, to go, to touch, to feel.  Was here someone before? You know your path, it's always there.  You just need to follow the steps. You will never be lost again. I think I love you too!

A Fábula do costume

Portugal é um dos países onde mais peixe se consome a nível mundial, e é o país da União Europeia com o maior consumo anual por pessoa: 56 kg, quando a média da UE é 23 kg. A extensa costa, a grande tradição pesqueira e os hábitos culinários são algumas das razões que podem explicar a preferência dos portugueses por pescado. Mas, com um consumo tão grande de peixe, vem também uma elevada responsabilidade para Portugal quanto à exploração dos recursos marinhos. O peixe é um dos últimos produtos selvagens utilizado na alimentação. Os animais alimentam-se e crescem de acordo com os seus ciclos de vida, no ambiente natural, e sem produtos químicos que suportem o seu crescimento. Para além disso, o peixe é uma fonte de proteína animal de excelente qualidade nutricional. Para continuarmos a ter peixe no prato é preciso gerir a pesca e definir as formas sustentáveis de produzir peixe a longo prazo. Há duas formas essenciais para atingir a sustentabilidade: por um lado, precis...

How do you choose?

Consumers wield considerable power over the market in fish and seafood products, thanks to their buying power.  For this reason, the Commission has launched a major public awareness campaign aimed particularly at consumers, as part of its drive to make European fisheries more sustainable through a reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. How can consumers influence fishing practices? We have seen it happen. For example, in the UK, there is a major movement, backed by a large number of people, famous chefs, celebrities, retailers and big supermarkets, to promote all types of fish, not just the best-known, like cod or haddock, but other, less known species. This has led to an increase in the demand  for different species in the UK, up 30 % in a year. This type of movement is present also in other Member States. So you see, consumers can bring about change. This has given fishermen an incentive not to discard – throwing fish back in the...