Sweden and the good environment

Algumas curiosidades que fazem da Suécia um país exemplar em termos de protecção ambiental:

Sweden has along tradition of ambitious environmental initiatives and policies.
The environmental debate in the beginning of the1960s led to a fourfold increase in membership of environmental organizations, a gradual integration of environmental protection in to the programs of the political parties and the creation of state administrative units responsible for natural resources and natural protection.

Sweden was the first country in the world to establish a national environment protection agency (1967), and Sweden’s Environmental Protection Act (created in1969) was the most encompassing environmental legislation in the world at that time.

In 1981, the Green Party was established and seven years later became represented in the Riksdag.
In the 1990s Sweden was the first country in Europe to implement economic reforms designed to exchange environmental and energy-related taxes and fees for lower taxes on wage earnings.
In 1991 it was one of the first countries in the world to introduce a specific taxon carbon dioxide.
In 1996, the Government’s policy declaration stated that ‘‘Sweden shall be a leading force and an example to other countries in its efforts to create ecologically sustainable development’’.
Implementing the Kyoto Protocol, the Riksdag in 2002 decided to set a substantially higher ambition as compared to EU demands.

The current goals of the environmental policy are probably the most ambitious in the world: it encompasses16 environmental quality objectives, which are to be met with in one generation.
This means that 15 of the goals shall be achieved by 2020, whereas the remaining one – reduced climate impact – shall be reached by 2050, when there shall be no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Within EU, Sweden is actively pursuing issues relating to the environment. 
As chairman of the EU Autumn 2009, Swedish official priorities were the financial crisis, the climate challenge and that the competitiveness of the EU economy should be strengthened by converting to an eco-efficient economy.
In line with this, the coalition government in its new declaration of intent 5 October 2010, stated that Sweden shall be a leading country for good environment and sustainable development,both nationally and internationally.

Sweden and the Baltic Sea pipeline: Between ecology and economy Rolf Lidskog, Ingemar Elander Marine Policy, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 333-338