How to finish a PhD in one day?

There are days that one can read an article and feels like:
Why am I doing this PhD thesis?
What is the interest of this work to the world anyway?
Today is that day!
After reading this publication from 2009, I just feel to give up.
Someone else have already made it.

Health recommendations advocating increased fish consumption need to be placed in the context of the potential collapse of global marine capture fisheries.

In economically developed countries, official healthy eating advice is to eat more fish, particularly that rich in omega-3 oils. In many less economically developed countries, fish is a key human health asset, contributing >20% of animal protein intake.

Marine ecologists predict on current trends that fish stocks are set to collapse in 40 years, and propose increased restrictions on fishing, including no-take zones, in order to restore marine ecosystem health.

Production of fishmeal for aquaculture and other non-food uses (22 MT in 2003) appears to be unsustainable.

Differences in fish consumption probably contribute to withincountry and international health inequalities. Such inequalities are likely to increase if fish stocks continue to decline, while increasing demand for fish will accelerate declines in fish stocks and the health of marine ecosystems.

Debates on sustainable development point to the
social inequities fostered through transfer of vital di
etary resources from poorer to richer countries, and
the environmental inequities generated as a result of
exporting the ecological impacts of fishing from richer
to poorer countries.

Non-human uses
of marine capture fish products, particularly for pet
food, fertilizers and as a fuel source are ethically
funding is needed for policy development to promote
social and environmental justice in relation to global
marine food resources.

Urgent national and international action is necessary to address the tensions arising from increasing human demand for fish and seafood, and rapidly declining marine ecosystem health.
