Four Years. Go.

Four Years. Go.

Confesso que mesmo depois de ler a explicação não fiquei convencida no porquê do número 4!

FOUR YEARS. GO. is a global communication and awareness campaign to shift humanity onto a just, fulfilling and sustainable path, by 14 February 2014.

FOUR YEARS. GO. is not just a new organization. Rather, it is a new framework—a rallying call—for all organizations and all individuals to step up, to engage, and to shape a new relationship with one another and the Earth.

Why “four years”? Because this is the time within which humanity must radically accelerate its progress toward sustainability or face unacceptable risk of irreversibly damaging the life support systems of this planet. But also, “four years” because it is enough time to act, to make a difference, even to transform ourselves. And “Go”, because we must start now. There is time to act, but no time to waste.

Estas acções de movimentação de pessoas por causas ambientais têm sido cada vez mais comuns e interessam-me. São organizações relativamente espontâneas, simples, com um objectivo específico, e inesperadamente podem tornar-se em movimentos de multidões. O exemplo recente de Limpar Portugal surgiu dessa forma e teve uma grande adesão a nível nacional.
São exemplos de que é possível pôr pessoas a agirem para alterarem a realidade que as rodeia. São como ONG gigantes, de curto de prazo e com um propósito muito específico.
O 4 intriga-me, mas o importante é a mensagem...vamos ver o que acontece daqui a 4 anos!
Onde é que será que as Fábulas Sustentáveis estarão nessa altura?

At the same time that we humans are facing a seemingly irreconcilable array of mounting crises—profound climate disruption, wide and deep poverty, unsustainable population growth, erosion of democracy, global water shortages, ecological destruction and mass extinction of plant and animal species, economic breakdown—our world is also being reshaped by at least three powerful “transforming” factors: (1) the global communication revolution, which has created vast new possibilities of human relationships and broad sharing of information and ideas and provides the potential beginnings of a global consciousness, (2) a new paradigm of a living, emerging universe which has undermined our historical mindset of separation and a segmented, mechanistic universe and re-establishes a deep sense of connection between humans and the entire community of life, and (3) the image and understanding of our Spaceship Earth , which has restructured our sense of “self” interests and limits and has elevated the concept of sustainability to an everyday concern.