Consumo sustentável de peixe

Mistura-se a biologia marinha com a comunicação da ciência, deita-se uma pitada de consumo sustentável e mexe-se tudo muito bem. Vai ao forno numa forma de projecto e depois de um tempo a aquecer está pronto a ser servido.

E ao longo desta receita vão surgindo cada vez mais ingredientes.

A organização de certificação dos produtos da pesca com maior relevo a nível mundial é a Marine Stewardship Council. Já existe há 10 anos, está sediada em Inglaterra mas faz certificação das pescas em todo o mundo e de todo o tipo de recursos marinhos.
Mas com o tempo vou conhecendo outras organizações e projectos que se dedicam a este assunto.
Ficam aqui algumas ideias:

Marine Stewardship Council
The MSC is the world's leading certification and ecolabelling program for sustainable seafood. Look for the blue MSC ecolabel when shopping or dining out.

Are you looking for the straight scoop on whether or not the fish you buy is sustainable? FishSource puts the essential facts in plain English.
To be sure, there is debate about what “sustainability” really means. This is a valuable inquiry and we welcome it. But in practical terms, both the conscientious seafood buyer and the probing environmental philosopher need a few basic facts—and a glimpse of how reliable those data are—before they can make good judgements about the seafood found in today’s global marketplace. That’s what we endeavour to provide.

Seafood Choices Alliance
Seafood Choices Alliance is an international program that provides leadership and creates opportunities for change across the seafood industry and ocean conservation community. Founded in the United States in 2001, Seafood Choices helps the seafood industry— from fishermen and fish farmers to processors, distributors, retailers, restaurants, and food service providers —to make the seafood marketplace environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. We're about synergies and identifying creative solutions to long-held challenges.
Our aim is to answer the main factual questions that buyers and their expert advisers face when evaluating the sustainability of fisheries.